Best Soil For Fiddle Leaf Fig, The soil you use to grow your fiddle leaf fig needs to be well-draining.[1]It should also be porous to help with moisture retention. Vermiculite can be used as an additive to your potting mix for these reasons. It also provides a natural nutrient boost for your plant.
While regular watering and a healthy diet can do a lot to keep your fiddle leaf fig happy, it is important to supplement with fertilizer. Fiddle leaf figs are fervorous plants and quickly use up the nutrients in the soil, so fertilizing is an essential part of their care. However, you must be careful not to over-fertilize your plant as this can lead to stress and injury.
When choosing a fertilizer for your fiddle leaf fig, look for one that has high levels of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. This will promote root growth and help your plant to develop beautiful leaves. You can use liquid fertilizers or pellets, but it is important to understand that the pH of your soil will affect how well your plant responds to the fertilizer.[2]
Another option for fertilizing your fiddle leaf fig is to make compost tea. This natural, organic, and easy-to-make fertilizer can be applied as a foliar feed, to prevent transplant shock, or as a soil drench. It is made with a balanced blend of microbes and nutrients that will not over-fertilize your plant.
This organic fertilizer is specifically formulated for ficus varieties and contains a balanced NPK ratio of 3-1-2. It also contains humus and seaweed to provide additional nutrients to your plant. It is also a slow-release formula, so it will continue to release nutrients into the soil for up to six months.
Fiddle leaf figs are nutrient-hungry plants. They need a lot of phosphorous, nitrogen, and potassium in order to thrive.[3] This is why it’s important to fertilize them regularly. A well-fed fiddle leaf fig tree will have glossier leaves, brighter color, and fewer brown spots. It will also be less prone to root rot and have a more rigid trunk.
While a high-quality potting soil can provide many of the nutrients that your fiddle leaf fig needs, it is important to supplement this with regular fertilization. This will ensure that your plant continues to grow healthily and quickly.
One option for fertilizing your fiddle leaf fig is to use a liquid plant food that is diluted in water and applied to the soil regularly. This type of plant fertilizer will allow your plant to absorb the nutrient more quickly than granular options. This can help to avoid the risk of overfertilizing your plant, which can cause damage if not done correctly.[4]
Another option is to make your own plant fertilizer using compost or manure. Both of these are excellent sources of nitrogen and other essential soil microbes. However, it’s important to make sure that the compost or manure doesn’t contain any salt, as this can rob your fiddle leaf fig of its essential nutrients. A good way to test for this is to see how the soil conducts electricity. Salty soil will have low electrical conductivity, while moist and rich soil will be highly electrically conducting.
If you are unsure about which fertilizer to choose, then there is a great all-purpose soluble fertilizer at the Perfect Plants store that can be used for any indoor houseplant. This fertilizer has a NPK ratio of 3-1-2 and will provide your fiddle leaf fig with all the nutrients that it needs to stay healthy. [5]
Fiddle Leaf Figs
Fiddle leaf figs thrive in well-draining soil that also has good aeration. This pre-mixed soil mix has an optimal blend of ingredients to help protect against over or under watering, minimize root rot, and promote growth and health.
Inorganic materials like perlite and grit increase aeration and drainage, while organic material such as peat moss holds moisture without causing root rot.
Can You Make Your Own Fiddle Leaf Fig Soil Mix?
Fiddle leaf fig plants make excellent indoor plants, they add colour, texture and life to your home. They also help to purify the air in your home or office. This is because they are very good at absorbing formaldehyde from electronics, laptops and other harmful chemicals. [6]However, they are not pet-friendly. This is because the leaves of these plants are toxic if ingested by pets and can cause irritation of the mouth, excessive drooling and vomiting.
If you want to grow your fiddle leaf fig plant in the best possible way, you should use a well-draining porous potting mix and water it moderately. In addition, you should always check the topsoil for dryness before watering.
Do Fiddle Leaf Figs Need Their Soil Changing Regul
Fiddle leaf figs love well-draining soil that has a mix of aeration and density. Too dense and the roots won’t have enough room to expand. Too light and the roots will get blown around and the plant won’t be able to anchor firmly to its new home. The best soil for fiddle leaf figs should also have a pH between 5.5 and 7.0 to ensure the roots are getting adequate nutrients.[7]
There are many different ways to make your own fiddle leaf fig soil mix at home, or you can buy a pre-mixed product off the shelf. Either way, it’s important to choose a product that is tailored to the specific needs of fiddle leaf figs. This is because the soil mix is designed to provide a nutrient-rich environment that helps to prevent brown spots, root rot, and dropping leaves. The soil mix is also designed to help protect the tree from over and under-watering by providing the right balance of water and air.
A good fiddle leaf fig soil mix should include peat moss and perlite to create a balanced and lightweight mixture. Peat moss is a natural organic material that holds and releases water slowly, keeping the soil damp without overdoing it. Perlite is a lightweight rock that improves the overall structure of the soil mix. It is a very porous substance that increases aeration and drainage, which is crucial for fiddle leaf figs as they require plenty of oxygen to grow.[8]
Coconut coir is another key ingredient in a good fiddle leaf fig soil mix. This is the fibrous layer between the fruit and outer shell of a coconut, and it helps to keep the soil mix light and airy. The coir also absorbs and retains water at a slow rate, which is helpful for preventing over-watering. Charcoal is also a useful addition to the soil, as it helps to keep it light and reduce soil compaction. Finally, coarse sand offers stability to the potting mix and encourages drainage.[9]
It is also important to look for a soil mix that contains pumice, as this will help to improve the overall texture of the soil. Pumice is a naturally occurring rock that gets formed during volcanic eruptions, and it’s used in horticultural products because of its physical and chemical properties. Pumice adds aeration, drainage, and organic matter to the mix, which is essential for the health of fiddle leaf figs.[10]