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What is TLC in Blood? Best *1

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What is TLC in Blood?. There are several blood tests suggested by doctors to check the health of a person. One of the common ones is TLC (total leukocyte count).

Leucocytes, or white blood cells, are vital in protecting the body against infections and diseases. A low TLC count indicates reduced immunity.[1]

What is TLC?

What is TLC in Blood?
What is TLC in Blood?

Total leucocyte count, or TLC for short is the name of a blood test that measures the number of white blood cells or WBC in your blood. These cells help the body fight diseases and infections.

They also protect the organs and tissues from damage. A TLC count can be used to diagnose infections and inflammation, monitor chemotherapy treatment and check for bone marrow disorders. A low TLC count, or leukopenia, indicates a deficiency in your body’s ability to fight off germs.

A higher TLC count, or leucocytosis, may indicate a more serious problem that needs immediate attention. It can indicate viral, fungal, bacterial or parasitic infections, rheumatic arthritis, acute stage of gout, connective tissue disorders and a host of cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.[2]

The TLC is measured using the Neubauer chamber, a device that counts the number of cells in one ul. It has four large squares labeled with the names of the cell types and a small area marked with the corresponding number of cells.

Several other lab tests are performed on the same sample to make the overall result as accurate as possible. In the words of a neurologist, this is the best way to measure your immune system and how it is working. It’s also the most common type of cellular analysis performed in hospital laboratories. The TLC is just a part of the whole, so you should follow up with any other tests to determine the cause of your abnormal results. This is especially true if you have had other tests or treatments in the past that can affect your TLC count.[3]

Why is TLC done?

What is TLC in Blood?
What is TLC in Blood?

TLC, or thin layer chromatography, is an analytical technique used to separate different compounds on a thin surface. It is used in a wide range of research and applications, including in clinical, pharmaceutical, and food testing.

Doctors use TLC to analyze blood samples and identify substances that are harmful or not safe for the patient. Scientists also use TLC to assess the purity of drugs.

The separation process works based on the classic chromatography principle where mixture components are separated by their different affinities to a stationary phase and a liquid mobile phase, respectively. These interactions are mediated by polar hydroxyl groups on the plate surface which determines how quickly the dissolved compounds migrate up the plate.

Depending on the chemical properties of the analytes, the selection of a proper solvent can be challenging. Some common solvents include hexane, ethyl acetate, and chloroform. Generally, these solvents are chosen so that the polarity of the dissolved analytes matches the polarity of the plate.

If the polarity of the plate and the polarity of the eluent system are not in agreement, the results will be inaccurate. The eluent system can either be adjusted to increase its polarity, or the plate can be changed.[4]

Another factor that impacts the result of a TLC analysis is the quality of the plate material. It can be difficult to get good separations if the plates are made from aluminum or plastic, which may flake during processing. This is particularly true if the plate has a large area and/or is not cut evenly.

This can be a frustrating experience for scientists and students, but it should not detract from the usefulness of the technique. To correct this, scientists need to ensure that they select a high-quality plate.

In addition, the plate should be placed in a developing chamber that contains enough solvent to travel up the length of the plate, as well as a piece of filter paper to absorb solvent vapors before they are released onto the sample. This can be done with a standard screw-top jar, but more specialized glassware is available to accommodate larger plates.

What does TLC Measure?

Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) measures several things in blood samples. It is used to detect and identify a variety of compounds that can be present in the body, including chemicals, viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. It is also used to evaluate a person’s health and determine whether or not they are at risk of disease.[5]

Complete blood count tests are done to measure the number of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets in a sample. The number of white blood cells in the sample is called the WBC count. A low WBC count may indicate a medical problem, such as cancer, leukemia, or an infection. A high WBC count may suggest a condition that is making the body produce more than normal numbers of white blood cells, such as a severe illness or a fever.

When a person’s WBC count is too low, it may mean that they are anemic. The test also checks for the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which helps the body carry oxygen to tissues and organs. A person with anemia is at risk for developing a serious illness such as pneumonia, kidney failure, or heart failure.

The blood chemistry tests that are used to measure the amounts of hemoglobin and hematocrit in the sample include the hematogram, hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular volume (MCV). This measure is called the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). A person’s MCHC value should be 32% to 36%.

A person’s MCV can vary with age and pregnancy. A baby’s MCV may be very high during birth and fall back to normal levels in about two weeks.

Another blood chemistry test that is used to measure the amount of glucose in the blood is the glycosidase activity test. This test uses an enzyme to separate sugars from other carbohydrates in a sample.

TLC is a simple, inexpensive, and portable analytical technique that uses very little instrumentation. It is an ideal method for undergraduates who are new to the lab and want to learn basic laboratory skills.[6]

To begin a TLC analysis, place a plate in a chamber that is filled with a liquid mobile phase, such as water or acetonitrile. Using a glass pipette, apply spots of the sample to the stationary layer forming a line close to one edge of the plate. The sample should then be moved up the plate by capillary action. The plate is then removed from the chamber, dried, and derivatized if necessary. The final chromatogram is then viewed under UV light.


A blood test report is a veritable treasure trove of information about your body’s nutrient and waste management systems. It carries with it a myriad of acronyms and abbreviations, some of which are so esoteric that they may be difficult to understand, let alone interpret. Thankfully, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has put together a handy fact sheet to help you get started with one of the most complex parts of your medical puzzle: the test results.[7]

The triumvirate of tests to be discussed here include the complete blood count, hemoglobin count, platelet count, and the aforementioned total leukocyte count or TLC for short. TLC is a well-established and widely used measure of the white blood cell count & the number of circulating lymphocytes – a subset of granulocytes, or white cells. TLC has many uses, including monitoring chemotherapy treatments and diagnosing bone marrow disorders. The test can also be used as a tool to track the progress of an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Despite its many uses, TLC can be a challenging critter to keep under control.[8]

What is TLC in Blood?

The total leukocyte count (TLC) is one of the most common types of blood tests ordered by doctors. It’s also one of the most important because it helps them diagnose and monitor many different kinds of health problems.

A TLC is made up of white blood cells that fight infections and help other white blood cells remove dead or damaged tissue in the body. It also makes up part of your complete blood count, or CBC.[9]

What is Total Leukocyte Count?

What is TLC in Blood?
What is TLC in Blood?

Total leukocyte count (TLC) is a blood test that measures the number of white blood cells in your body. The count is an important hematological measure and can be used to aid in the diagnosis of certain conditions. This test is a good indicator of your immune status and can help to determine if you have an infection, or if you are at high risk for developing one. TLC is also a good indicator of your overall health, and may indicate whether you are prone to illnesses such as the flu or the common cold.[10]

Total leukocyte count is the best way to measure your immune system, and is often used when determining if you are at high risk for developing certain infections, such as the flu or a common cold. It is a good idea to monitor your TLC count regularly for the best results.

What is the Normal Total Leukocyte Count?

What is TLC in Blood?
What is TLC in Blood?

The total leukocyte count (TLC) is a blood test that measures the amount of white blood cells in your blood. These white blood cells help fight infection, remove dead or damaged tissue, and are involved in your immune system. Your TLC can be normal or abnormal.[11]

A normal adult’s total blood cell count ranges between 4,000 and 11,000 white blood cells per cu mm of blood. These cells include red blood cells, which carry oxygen, and white blood cells, which attack infection.

The total leukocyte count is not always related to your health, but it can be an indicator of disease or treatment. For example, it has been shown to be associated with asthma and other respiratory problems in adults. In addition, it has also been linked to heart disease, although this association is not well understood. The total leukocyte count may also affect how your body responds to certain drugs and treatments. For instance, it has been shown to be increased in patients with hepatitis B. It can also be a sign of leukemia.[12]

Interpreting Total Leukocyte Count Reports

Total leukocyte count (TLC) is one of the most commonly ordered blood tests, and it measures the number of white blood cells in your blood. TLC is considered a useful symptomatic marker of bacterial infection, which can lead to life threatening serious bacterial infection (SBI).[13] It helps identify patients who need to be treated with antibiotics, often empirical, before the problem gets worse or can cause other problems.[14]

To assess whether a low TLC is related to cardiovascular risk, we performed a case-control study in a population of healthy adults and those with unexplained physical symptoms. Results showed that patients with unexplained physical symptoms had significantly higher TLC levels than HCs and were more likely to have elevated monocyte-to-lymphocyte ratios. They were also more likely to have a history of heart disease and high C-reactive protein levels.[15]

Why is a TLC Blood Test Done?

A TLC blood test is a good way to measure the amount of white blood cells (WBCs) in your blood. WBCs help fight infection and remove dead or damaged cells from your body. They also can be used to detect certain diseases. For example, a TLC blood test can indicate whether you have tuberculosis (TB), a disease that causes severe coughing and sputum production. The total number of WBCs in your blood is called your blood cell count, or BCM for short. A TLC blood test is one of the most common tests done by doctors. It is often used to help diagnose or monitor conditions, like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and some forms of cancer.[16]

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