Block Quote
How to Block Quote in Google Docs? Block quotes are a great way to highlight cited sources in academic writing.[1]They help indent and separate a quote comment from the rest of the text, and they can be used in both MLA and APA styles.
To add a block quote, select the text that you want to indent. Then, set the left indent value to 0.5 cm and press Enter.
Rules for Block Quotes
Block quotes are used to separate a quoted comment from the main body of text. The formatting rules for these are different from one writing style to the next, but they all need to be indented properly and end with a citation style that helps readers find the source.[2]
When using a block quote in a document, you should start the passage with an introductory sentence that introduces the quote and ties it to your paper. This is called “tying in.” In addition, you should try to include your own words when possible so that it doesn’t feel like you’re just rehashing someone else’s opinion.
A block quote should also be indented about half an inch from the left margin. This indent will separate the quote from the rest of the text and give it a unique look.
To do this, select the block quote and press Format > Align & indent. This will display the indent options box, where you can adjust your indent positions by moving the text to the right or left in 1cm intervals.[3]
The most important rule to remember when adding a block quote in Google Docs is to ensure that you follow the indentation rules for academic styles such as MLA and APA. If you’re not sure what the correct indentation is for your particular style, check out the relevant style guide to see what size indents are required.
Once you’ve set your indents, you can then insert the quote into your document. However, you should always ensure that the indentation is at least 0.5cm wide and follows the indentation rules for your chosen academic style.[4]
Moreover, you should also make sure that the block quote is double spaced and doesn’t have any extra quotation marks around it. This will make it easier for readers to read the entire quote without getting lost in the context.
How to Add Block Quote in Google Docs on PC
If you’re writing or editing a Google Docs document, you can add a block quote to your text using the Paragraphs feature. In this menu, you’ll see the option to “Create a new paragraph” and the box to “Add an indent”.
The new paragraph will appear with the block quote at its center. You can then adjust the indent by dragging the hourglass icons in the menu bar to the appropriate 0.5 cm mark.[5]
This indentation is required for APA and MLA style academic documents, so be sure to set it accordingly.
As a proofreader, you should always be on the lookout for the small print, including block quotes and other font changes in the client’s document. If you spot any problems, contact your client and ask to review the document for accuracy.
The rule of thumb is that block quotes are for quotations of more than four lines, so you’ll want to consider the options before you hit the publish button.[6] This may be especially true if you’re working on a project with a tight deadline, so make sure to take your time and consider the style and format of any new material before you add it to your document.
How to Add Block Quote in Google Docs on Android
A block quote is a good way to spruce up your writing without going overboard on page count. These tiny little beauties can be a real pain to find in the right position, so it’s worth doing your homework to get them right in the first place. The most notable thing to note about block quotes is that they have to be in the right document, and the right document size to be effective. [7]
If you’re using Google Docs on your Android phone, the best place to start is by selecting the text you want to block quote, then pressing the’mouse’ button. This will bring up the block quote toolbox, where you can choose your indents and other formatting options. This is the place to go when you need to do a quick check before sending off that final draft.
Formatting Google Docs Documents
When you have a document with lots of text, it can be difficult to read. Sometimes, you need to remove formatting from a section to make it easier to read.[8] This can be helpful if you have to work with students or colleagues who love to format their documents too much, especially when using Google Docs.
You can remove formatting from a section in Google Docs by selecting the text and then pressing Ctrl + A. This will remove all formatting from the selected text. However, this may not remove everything in the document; if there are bullet points, hyperlinks, and background colors included then you will need to do that yourself.[9]
Google Docs has a variety of formatting options that can make your text stand out or comply with brand standards. These include changing font color, applying a bold or italic style, and adding strikethrough or superscript to the text. You can also choose to add a hanging indent or change the first line indentation.
Another way to make your text stand out is by adding a block quote. This is an easy and quick way to highlight a section of your text.[10]
To add a block quote, click the Quote Block option in the sidebar. Here, you can choose from a default style or a large style. The default style will be a standard citation, while the large style will show your quote more clearly.
The styles available are Text, Bold, Italic, and Underline. These styles can be applied to your quote and citation separately or together. The citation can be indented with an indent size that matches the indent you choose for your quote.[11]
One of the most important things you can do when you add a block quote is to check that the indent size matches your academic style guide. For example, APA and MLA both require a 0.5cm indent for a block quote. If you’re not sure, you can set the “Left Indent” value to 0.5cm and press the Enter key for confirmation.
You can also use the arrows in front of the indent size box to increase the indent size in 0.1 cm increments. This can make your quote stand out more and give it a professional look.[12]
What is a block quote?
A block quote is a special type of quotation that doesn’t require double quotes. A block quote is used when a quote is longer than a single line and needs to be set apart from the surrounding text. You can also use a block quote for mathematical symbols and formulas. [13]To use a block quote, create an blockquote> tag around the text you want to include and change its style in the inspector panel on the right side of the editor.
How do I format a block quote in Google Docs?
When using a block quote, it is important to format it properly. In APA style, it should be set apart from the surrounding text, indented five spaces from the left margin, and double spaced.[14]
If the quotation is longer than one paragraph, it should be indented a bit more. In-text citations should be placed in parentheses, and a page reference should be included in the body of the quote. [15]If you are unsure about how to format your quote, there are many helpful and prepared templates available on the web. You can also use Google Docs to create your documents and save time on formatting.