Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles
Love Handles Exercises to get rid of your love handles, you can try the side plank. It’s basically a modified version of the classic plank. This exercise has several benefits for the love handles area, and you can try it at home. You’ll soon see results. Keep reading to find out more about this simple, yet effective exercise. Then, try these other exercises to get the same results. They’ll help you get rid of your love handles in no time.
Donkey kicks
Donkey kicks for love handles are a great way to get a tighter backside. This type of exercise targets the butt and works your hamstring muscles. They also strengthen your core and decrease fat and cellulite. You can also do the donkey kicks while standing. This exercise will help you lose unwanted fat and reduce the appearance of love handles. For best results, do this exercise twice a week.
To perform donkey kicks for love handles, start in the donkey-kick position. Bend your knees and bend your hips slightly. Bring your right leg to hip level. Bend your knee at the hip and squeeze. Return to the starting position. Repeat ten to fifteen times, on each leg. Donkey kicks can also be performed by bending and hinging your knee. You can also perform variations of this exercise to target different parts of your body.
Donkey kicks are great for reducing love handles because they work your core and lower body. This exercise will also strengthen your lower back, shoulders, and pelvic floor. It is an excellent warm-up or active recovery exercise for your glutes. To maximize the benefits, you can perform donkey kicks with weights. A few ounces of weight in your feet will help you increase the resistance. For more challenging workouts, you can add resistance bands around your foot or knee to increase the difficulty of the exercise.
Side planks
You can start your morning with side planks, an excellent way to lose fat around your waist. Similar to traditional planks, these exercises target the obliques and lower back. To do the exercise, lie on your back with your right knee directly underneath your shoulder and your feet extended. Repeat on the other side. Repeat as many times as necessary. Ideally, you should do two sets of 10 reps.
When you do side planks, you will lift your hips off the ground and twist your body to the left. You will want to keep your right arm facing the floor, so that your core is engaged. It is important to make sure your hips don’t drop. This will force your obliques to work and tone. You can hold this position for 30 seconds or more. Alternatively, you can hold the position for more than one minute to see the best results.
The next variation of side planks is the elevated side plank. This variation is more difficult than the basic version, because the emphasis is on the shoulder area. Depending on the strength and stability of your upper body, it is worth trying. The more challenging versions may require more body weight. As with any exercise, practice regularly. Doing a side plank is beneficial for both your hips and obliques.
Side squats
If you are interested in reducing your love handles, side squats are a great exercise to add to your workout routine. These exercises target the lower body and work the oblique and core abdominal muscles. They are also great for burning fat around the waist. Do side squats once or twice a week to see results fast. Side squats are similar to regular squats, except that they are performed on the side of the body.
Side squats target the obliques and abs while strengthening the core muscles. These exercises are also great for improving your posture and back. They work the abs and side muscles while improving your balance and stability. This exercise is a great choice for anyone who wants to lose weight. Side squats are also very effective at improving your posture. You can perform three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions on each side.
When you do side squats, you need to twist your torso to perform the exercise. Try to hold the position for at least 30 seconds. If you need extra resistance, use a barbell or a weight to add to the challenge. Love handles are caused by fat retention, which means that your body doesn’t burn as much fat as it stores. When you eat too much, it turns to fat. This fat is deposited in the abdomen, which results in love handles.
Body saw
You can do several variations of body saw exercises for love handles to improve your abs and tone your midsection. Body saws are more intense than planks, but do not require as long a workout. The body saw is easy to modify by bending your knees and lowering your hips. Alternatively, you can rest your knees on a stability ball. Regardless of the variation, the end result is the same: an ab-sculpting workout.
This simple bodyweight exercise targets your entire core. It is an effective core builder. There are three variations of the body saw. The basic one starts in a plank position. The forearms should be directly under the shoulders. Then, you will extend your arms until they reach your elbows. You will need to engage your core as you shift your weight from your shoulders to your elbows. As you continue the exercises, the saw will gradually become more difficult.
TRX body saws are another option for burning love handles. This type of body saw adds instability to the plank position, forcing you to concentrate on controlling your movements. With this tool, you will engage the hip flexors, deltoids, and glutes. This type of exercise can be performed backward or forward, but you should be aware of the level of stability needed. It is possible to do ten to fifteen reps per set.
Body saw hip lifts
If you’re looking for a workout that will help you get rid of love handles, you can’t go wrong with Body Saw hip lifts. These exercises begin in a Plank position, with the forearms right under the shoulders. Then, walk backwards and out, without engaging the low back. To progress, start with small steps and use sliders or towels under your feet. After a few sets, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the love handle-busting exercise will improve your shape.
This Pilates exercise targets your entire core and helps you increase core strength. It also improves your balance and stability, which is essential for losing love handles. To perform this exercise, twist to the right and reach your left hand to your right foot. Pulse three times, then repeat on the other side. It’s one of the hardest exercises you can do, and you’ll see great results in a short time.
Kettlebell swings
If you’re suffering from love handles and are looking for an effective way to shed a few pounds, consider kettlebell swings. This type of exercise challenges the grip of your body and can help you shed unwanted pounds in a quick manner. You should start off with a weight that’s challenging but doesn’t overwhelm you. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 reps, two to three times a week. If you’re new to this form of exercise, be sure to follow these basic tips to get the most out of it.
First, be sure to maintain a flat back while doing kettlebell swings. You should start at the hip hinge, so that your shoulders are not used to generate power. Then, keep your wrists straight to allow for smooth movements. If your wrists get tired after several minutes, this could be due to too much use. If your back muscles are sore afterward, this exercise may not be right for you.
Once you’ve got your back straight, it’s time to engage your glutes. When you push back with your glutes, you’ll use your abdominal muscles to generate thrusting power from the outside of your thighs. Kettlebell swings are also a great way to tone your obliques, a group of muscles around your tummy that are responsible for putting on weight.
Mountain climber
One of the best exercises for getting rid of love handles is a variation of the mountain climber exercise. This exercise is similar to a plank but has a twist. Start with your feet together on the floor and lift the left foot to the right elbow and vice versa. Try to keep your abs tight throughout the exercise. The goal is to strengthen the muscles in the stomach, buttocks, obliques, and legs.
You can do several versions of the Mountain Climber exercise. The most effective way to do it is to begin in a plank position, with your shoulders over your wrists. This exercise targets the entire core, including the oblique muscles, and the lower back. It also helps strengthen the heart. The plank position also activates the upper body. Once you’re done with the basic mountain climber exercise, you can start adding more variations to your workout.
The plank mountain climber exercise is a great total-body workout that strengthens abs, glutes, and hamstrings. The high-reps will burn calories, and you’ll also build your endurance and agility. This workout should take no more than 5 minutes. Beginners should perform five sets of five reps. If you can’t do five sets, you’ll want to start with a low-resisting position, like a plank.