Best Book on Breastfeeding is the best care you can give your baby, and it’s also a key element of your vocation as a Catholic woman. In this book, Sheila Kippley shows how nursing will deepen your love for your child and develop in you the spiritual practices of meditation and prayer that are so essential to your vocation.[1]
When to Start Learning About Breastfeeding
If you plan on breastfeeding your baby, it is best to start learning about the process around 6 weeks of pregnancy. During this time you can start swapping one breastfeeding session a day with a bottle instead of nursing, and then increase to 2 or 3 sessions a day over the course of a few days (or longer if necessary). Once your breasts are comfortable with that amount of feedings, it is often easier to wean the rest of your breastfeeding sessions in the same way.[2]
How to Choose a Breastfeeding Book
If you’re ready to get started breastfeeding, a book is the perfect way to learn all about the process. The best books will provide you with information on topics such as breastfeeding duration, expressing milk, and breast feeding support. Plus, they should also have plenty of tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your experience. [3]Fortunately, Baby Gooroo has a great selection of breastfeeding books to choose from. We’re sure you’ll find something to suit your needs.
The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding has many medical benefits, as well as a spiritual value that deepens your love and ties you closer to God. Author Sheila Kippley cites Church teachings and the words of priests and popes to show that nursing is an essential part of a woman’s vocation as a Catholic mother. It helps you develop the habits of meditation and prayer that are so integral to a faith based on love and trust. And the tenderness and awe you feel when holding your baby in your arms awakens a sense of wonder at creation. In the end, breastfeeding is the best gift you can give to your little one.
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
The medical evidence is overwhelming that breastfeeding promotes baby’s health and development, and it strengthens your bond with her as a mother. But the spiritual reasons for nursing are equally powerful: It is a gift of Christian charity, rooted in Christ’s sacrificial love for His Church and your family. The tender and reassuring act of nursing you share with your baby awakens your heart and opens it to gratitude for the amazing gift of life. You become a more devoted mother and a better Catholic. These pages show you how to nurture that loving relationship. Get a copy today! Your first 30 days are free.[4]
The best book on breastfeeding will have a balance of information, practical suggestions, anecdotes and a good helping of humor. This combination will make it easy for anyone to follow.
Tamaro’s ability to turn the complicated biological process of breastfeeding into a simple analogy is just one reason why this is the perfect book for teens and nonmedical personnel. She also offers diagrams of correct mouth positioning and how to hold the breast correctly during feeding.
The Nursing Mother’s Companion
The Nursing Mother’s Companion is one of the top two best selling breastfeeding books on the market, with over one million copies sold. It has been recommended by professionals, including the International Lactation Consultant Association, and is loved by new mothers for its clear advice and warm tone.[5]
This book helps new moms solve common problems, like establishing breastfeeding, preventing common complications, and dealing with special situations, such as breast reductions and babies with feeding issues. It also covers a variety of topics, such as identifying baby’s milk needs in the first six weeks, and how to keep your milk supply high while you are working.
Author Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA is a long-time breastfeeding expert and a leader in La Leche League. She has published many books on breastfeeding, and her expertise is in the areas of establishing breastfeeding, dealing with common breastfeeding difficulties, and breastfeeding in pregnancy and postpartum. She is a member of the National Breastfeeding Committee and a board-certified lactation consultant.
Another great resource for new moms is the Nursing Mothers Companion Breastfeeding Diary, which helps them track their newborn’s feeding times, naps, and diaper changes.[6] The diary is easy to use and comes with inspirational quotes and a lovely design throughout.
It also includes space for writing down thoughts and memories, as well as questions and concerns to share with your baby’s doctor or lactation specialist. The book can become a wonderful keepsake of your baby’s first precious months.
The third edition of this popular nursing resource has been updated and revised to reflect the latest research, techniques, and tips. It also provides information on a variety of breastfeeding problems, such as latch difficulties, positioning, and discomforts.
In addition, the author offers a number of tips and tricks for successful breastfeeding, such as using the right position when nursing, drinking plenty of water, and keeping your nipples clean. She also discusses the importance of skin to skin contact, which is especially helpful in boosting oxytocin production and milk flow.[7]
Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding
Whether you’re a first time mother or a seasoned pro, breastfeeding your baby is no small feat. Fortunately, there are many resources out there to help you succeed. Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding is one of the best books on the subject. She offers tips and tricks to help make the experience as smooth as possible.[8]
Ina May is the founder and director of Farm Midwifery Center, a birth center in Tennessee that has handled more than 2200 deliveries over the course of two decades. She also happens to be a breastfeeding enthusiast, a self-professed lactologist who has been nursing her three children for nearly twenty years. Using her expertise and extensive research, she has compiled a list of the best things to know about nursing your baby in this 16 page booklet. You’ll find the best way to go about nursing your child, how to make sure your milk supply is as high as it can be and other tips that will have you well on your way to a successful breastfeeding experience.
Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple
Working and breastfeeding can be a challenge for both you and your baby. But it’s not as difficult as you might think! With a little planning, you can make the transition back to work a smooth one.
Speaking to your employer ahead of time and letting them know that you will be providing breast milk to your child once you’re back at work can make the process much easier. Then you can discuss your options with them and find out what facilities are available at your place of employment for expressing or storing milk.[9]
For example, some companies have designated spaces where mothers can express and store their milk for a period of time during the week. This may be a quiet area with a lockable door or it might just be a room shared by several employees. If you’re using this facility, you should let your supervisor know and ask to meet with her before the baby arrives so that she can discuss how she can support you while you breastfeed.
Your local lactation support group, like LLL, can be a valuable resource for you and your baby. They can help you figure out the best way to manage your breastmilk supply, and offer support if breastfeeding becomes challenging.
They can also provide an outlet for your feelings about your breastfeeding experiences, and help you connect with other new mothers. It’s always helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off and give you encouragement![10]
Another great thing about LLL is that it can be a source of continuing support after you return to work. Many women choose to continue nursing their babies while they’re in the workplace. This helps to maintain the bonding that takes place between mother and child during maternity leave, and gives you a warm reconnection at the end of a long day in the office.
The best part is that it won’t cost you anything! Once you’ve collected a small amount of breastmilk, you can freeze it to use in the future. This will keep your baby’s milk fresh and reduce the chance of infection from other sources.
Exclusively Pumping Breast Milk
Exclusively pumping is a wonderful choice for many new moms, but it can also be a challenging journey. That’s why it’s important to make sure you have all the information and support you need before you start.[11]
Whether you’re planning to breastfeed or formula feed, your baby’s pediatrician is an excellent resource for answering all of your questions and helping you make the best decisions for your family. They can also refer you to a lactation consultant, if needed.
If you decide to exclusively pump, it’s vital to have a solid schedule in place that will help your body produce the maximum amount of milk. This can reduce the risk of clogged milk ducts and mastitis that can derail your efforts to produce the breastmilk your baby needs.
When you’re first starting out, it’s a good idea to pump at least twice a day. This will give your body time to adjust, reducing the risk of developing blocked ducts or mastitis.
However, you can slowly cut back on your sessions over time if your baby’s feeding habits change or if your supply diminishes. You can start by lowering your nighttime pumping session and adding one or two daytime sessions, about 12 hours apart.
Ideally, you’ll still be expressing at least 24 ounces of milk a day, but that can vary depending on your baby’s feeding patterns and the length of your pumping sessions.[12]
After you’ve been expressing for about three or four months, it’s a good idea to consider reducing your expressing sessions gradually over time. This can be as simple as reducing the time you’re expressing each session, or it could be as complex as decreasing your expressing sessions altogether.
Ultimately, the goal is to produce enough breast milk to meet your baby’s needs, and you can achieve that goal if you’re patient and consistent. [13]Remember that every mother and baby are different, so don’t stress if your output doesn’t match your expectations. Instead, focus on the benefits that exclusive pumping offers your baby and your family. If you’re able to successfully pump, you’re doing an amazing job!