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Interview Skills and Techniques

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The course will help students develop their interview skills through an in-depth analysis of various types of questions, such as behavioral/competency based questions and credibility questions. They will also learn to give constructive feedback, observe non-verbal behavior, and write an interview guide. In addition, they will participate in various types of interviews, including probing and free-attitude interviews. Finally, they will analyze a professional interview and discuss its key elements. Their written assignments will be based on the learning objectives.

Behavioral/Competency Based Questions

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Interview Skills and Techniques 2

Behavioral/Competency-based interview questions are a great way to find out if a candidate can perform the job. They focus on behavior rather than knowledge, and can be helpful for both candidates and interviewers. Behavioral/Competency-based interview questions are associated with specific job families. These questions help the interviewer assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and experiences, and are particularly helpful for job openings where previous performance is important.

The purpose of behavioral/competency-based interview questions is to learn how candidates have behaved in certain situations. This way, the interviewer can better understand the candidate’s capabilities and past behavior. They can also measure how well candidates perform in stressful situations, which can be useful when hiring a new employee. By asking the candidate to describe a specific situation, they can assess the candidate’s work ethic, abilities, and competencies.

Behavioral/Competency-based interview questions are more difficult to answer because they require the candidate to think of an example or a specific step. However, these questions can help the interviewer assess the candidate’s willingness to deal with conflicts and failures. The best way to answer a behavioral/competency-based interview question is to think about it for a few minutes and then give the candidate some time to think.

When you’re asked to discuss a situation or a past experience, try to answer it in a manner that makes the interviewer feel smart and brilliant. A behavioral answer will not only make the interviewer feel smart, but will also be a great anecdotal story. You may also want to think about a specific example that demonstrates an important trait. For instance, if the interviewer asks you to explain how a certain behavior can be helpful for the organization, you should offer a recent example.

Credential Questions

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Interview Skills and Techniques 3

During an interview, you may be asked a few credential questions to see if you have the credentials the employer is looking for. These questions are an excellent way to break the ice during the interview, and they also serve as jumping-off points for candidates to explain gaps in their past employment and resume. It is important to be prepared to answer these questions honestly and truthfully. Here are some examples of credential questions.

– What skills or certifications do you have? If you’ve obtained several certifications, list them all on a separate sheet. Practice answering questions about them, and try not to sound like a laundry list! – What is your professional experience in the industry? Do you have any special training? If so, list it. If you’re not sure, ask someone you know who works in the field of your desired career.

– What do you have to offer the company? If you’re looking for a new employee, there’s nothing worse than getting the wrong impression. Credential questions are meant to verify your credentials, so make sure you carefully review your cover letter and resume. They can help you weed out candidates with fake background stories. So if you’re applying to a new position, be prepared for the inevitable credential questions.

– What kind of skills are needed? You can ask about soft skills and previous positions that you have held. For example, if you’ve worked in the same industry as the company you’re interviewing for, what kinds of skills are you lacking? Or, perhaps you’re applying for a specific project or promotion. Whatever the case, be prepared to answer these questions and be honest about the gaps. And remember that knowledge is power in a job interview. The more you know, the greater your chances of getting a second interview or an offer.

Expect the Unexpected

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Interview Skills and Techniques 4

When interviewing someone, expect the unexpected! Aside from the usual questions about work experience and educational qualifications, an interviewer may ask hypothetical questions that have nothing to do with the field of expertise. These questions are meant to gauge the values of the candidate and whether or not they can handle the unexpected. By asking hypothetical questions, the interviewer will determine how well prepared you are for the interview. Here are three examples of hypothetical questions that may come up during an interview.

Off-the-wall questions are good for getting a sense of a candidate’s logic and thought process. These types of questions can reveal a lot about a person’s self-awareness, personality, and style. Often, interviewers are trying to determine how closely a candidate’s answers match the company’s culture and the job. A bluff answer will only be counterproductive.

If you have any doubts about the company, schedule a test interview before your scheduled appointment. If the company’s location is unfamiliar, write down the address so that you can call the interviewer and find out where to park. Be polite and courteous to everyone. If you are being interviewed for a job in an unfamiliar office, make sure to greet everyone in the elevator. Make sure to thank the interviewer when you finish your session. Remember that the first few seconds of your interview will make or break your chances of getting the job.

Hiring managers pose unusual interview questions purposefully, so as to test the candidates’ reactions to stress. This way, they can gauge how candidates think on their feet and respond under pressure. Candidates should keep a poker face when answering these questions, because if they start looking agitated or shaken, it will reflect negatively on their abilities. If you do not anticipate such questions in advance, you’ll be more likely to get the job.

Thinking Aloud

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Interview Skills and Techniques 5

When thinking aloud during an interview, make sure the student knows that the information provided will be kept confidential. State that “try to say everything that comes to your mind” and then provide a warm-up task. Wait until the student is comfortable with the process before asking real questions. It is also important that the interviewer not prompt the student during the think-aloud portion. Using think-aloud techniques is a crucial part of the interviewing process.

First, consider the nature of your interviewee. If your interview is not conducted in real time, then you may not be able to capture the whole process. Think aloud interviewing can give you a better idea of how your subject thinks, as it allows you to see the reasoning process in real time. For this, you need to create an appropriate question for the type of interview you are conducting. However, you do not have to use think-aloud techniques when interviewing a client.

In the study described above, we conducted think-aloud interviews with students across three terms. A total of 31 students participated in 42 hour-long interviews. During Spring 2018, we conducted 33 interviews with 22 students. In Summer 2018, we conducted six interviews with 21 students. The interviews were conducted by research group members who are not teaching the introductory course. Each member of the research group interviewed every volunteer and took notes. This way, the data we collected will be a more accurate representation of the student experience.

When thinking-aloud during an interview, make sure the protocol states what the interview is for, and that the participant is aware of it beforehand. Then, ask the question in an open-ended way, avoiding any leading questions. After each session, analyze the notes and make a decision on the next steps. And don’t forget to use a smile! You’ll be glad you did! You can use this method in any situation, from interviews to research.

Using Semi-Verbal Expressions

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Interview Skills and Techniques 6

A skilled interviewer understands how to utilize non-verbal expressions to gain valuable information. Although there are many ways to ask questions and receive information from people, one of the most effective ways to communicate is to use non-verbal expressions. In fact, many interviews feature more non-verbal transmissions than verbal ones. To use non-verbal expressions effectively, the interviewer must first understand the purpose for using them.

First, a well-designed interview is a conversation that focuses on the respondent’s thoughts and feelings. The interviewer should pause occasionally to consider the meaning behind the respondent’s words. A simple gesture of nodding or smiling can be very effective when trying to gauge the respondent’s true meaning. Further interrogation may be necessary to obtain the true meaning. Lastly, the interviewer should avoid giving a “right answer” or trying to make the respondent repeat a phrase.

Although verbal communication is the primary form of communication, non-verbal expressions can also be useful in interviews. A smile, a firm eye contact, and leaning forward are all examples of non-verbal cues. These signals help an interviewer determine a candidate’s sincerity and attitude. Despite this, it’s important to use non-verbal expressions during an interview as often as possible to give an impression of sincerity.

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