Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Best YouTube Desktop Site 2023

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YouTube Desktop Site is one of the world’s most popular video-sharing websites. It’s free to use and you can watch videos from anywhere in the world.[1]However, YouTube can occupy a lot of storage space on your device, and you may want to clear the cache. Here’s how to do it.

Using Opera on Android

YouTube Desktop Site
YouTube Desktop Site

Most people have the web browser on their computer that comes with Windows or Mac OS, but there are a lot of good options out there. One of the best is Opera, a free internet browser that has a clean interface and suite of features.[2]

It’s a great choice for those who want to stay safe online. The browser uses a VPN, which is an encrypted connection to keep your data private from hackers. It also offers a number of security features that you can use to protect your privacy, such as password managers and malware scanners.[3]

Another great feature is the battery-saving technology that Opera offers. The company claims that it runs up to 35% longer when it’s on than other browsers, which could help save you some money if you’re using your computer or laptop for long periods of time.

The desktop version of Opera is available for Windows, macOS and Linux, while its mobile apps are for Android and iOS devices. The standard browser is a fully-featured mobile variant of the desktop version, while Mini and Touch are stripped-down mobile versions that prioritize ease of use over features.[4]

You can download the latest version of Opera for your PC, and it works well with most other major operating systems. It’s a lightweight and easy-to-use browser, and it comes with a built-in VPN.

There’s also an app store that offers thousands of free and paid apps, including popular games and video streaming services like Netflix. You can also add new extensions to the browser through Opera’s sidebar, which makes it easier to find and install your favorite tools.

Opera is known for its clean user interface and suite of features, and its free VPN, integrated music apps and other benefits make it a popular choice among users. But the browser’s privacy practices have a lot of people concerned.[5]

View your Watch History and Search History

Aside from watching your favorite YouTubers in the comfort of your own home, you can now watch them on-the-go with the help of YouTube’s new mobile app. The most exciting part of this new feature is that it’s free. The app is available in the Google Play store for all Android smartphones and tablets. It’s a free download and install, though you may need to enter your email address before you can take full advantage of it.[6]

While you’re at it, you can also take advantage of YouTube’s newly launched Incognito Mode, which allows you to view your favorite content in a new, private tab. The mode is a lot of fun and will definitely enhance your browsing experience. If you’re feeling a little squeamish about your personal information, you can also use the new feature to delete your history so you don’t have to worry about seeing it again.

View the YouTube Desktop Site from Your iPhone

YouTube Desktop Site
YouTube Desktop Site

If you’re using an iPhone to view the YouTube desktop site, there are some things you may need to do before it will work properly. One is to make sure you have enough space on your device to run the YouTube app and browser. Another is to clear your search history and website data, which can speed up YouTube’s loading time and save you some money in cell phone charges.[7] Finally, if you’re using a Wi-Fi connection and you’re having trouble with videos not loading, your network might be the issue.

Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer for wikiHow and earned her MA in Writing from Rowan University. She has experience teaching college courses and working hands-on with technology. Her goal is to help people learn how to use technology and stay safe online.

View the YouTube Desktop Site on Android

If you’re using an Android device and want to view the YouTube desktop site, you may be able to do so by using Chrome. This is a popular feature on the latest versions of Google’s browser and will work well with most devices.[8] The desktop site also works with Apple’s Safari web browser on the latest versions of macOS and iOS.

Using Chrome on Android

YouTube Desktop Site
YouTube Desktop Site

If you’re a Chrome user and you’re on Android, you can access the desktop site of YouTube from your phone. This will allow you to save time and typing on your phone, and also give you the same browser experience as you would on your PC or Mac.[9]

There are many benefits to using the Chrome web browser on your Android device, including being able to sync bookmarks, passwords, and history with your computer. You’ll also have access to many of the latest features available on Chrome on your computer.

One of the most exciting new additions to Chrome on Android is a feature called Live Caption, which automatically creates captions for websites that have audio content. This is a great feature for users who may have difficulty hearing or if they’re watching a video that has a lot of background noise.[10]

Another interesting feature is the ability to make tabs load ten percent faster on your phone, which will help you access pages quicker and get on with other tasks. Google’s also bringing URL sharing to Chrome for Android, which will enable you to quickly copy and send links to your phone or even print them out.

If you’re a Chrome user and want to be up to date on the latest version of the browser, then you should download and install the Chrome Dev app on your phone. This is an independent application from Google that lets you download the latest Chrome for Android before it is made available to everyone else.[11]

Using Firefox on Android

If you’re looking for a fast, private and secure mobile web browser then you can’t go wrong with Firefox.[12] It automatically blocks thousands of trackers that can slow down your browsing experience, and there are plenty of ad blocker add-ons to give you the customization you need.

The latest version of Firefox for Android offers some new features to keep your privacy at the forefront. Among them is a Total Cookie Protection feature that prevents websites from tracking you across different sites. This technology has been around for a while, but it’s the first time it’s been brought to mobile devices.[13]

It also uses a patented pixel-based engine that optimizes images and reduces memory usage to deliver faster speeds. The result is a browser that is twice as fast as Firefox’s previous offerings.

Another interesting feature is the ability to sync your bookmarks, passwords and history with your desktop version of Firefox so you can access them on the go. This is an excellent feature to have, especially if you frequently use YouTube on your mobile device, as it means you won’t have to type in the same information each time.[14]

You can find a version of Firefox for Android in the Google Play store, or download it from Mozilla’s website. It’s a fairly lightweight browser with a minimalist start screen and bottom navigation bar. The best part is that it’s a lot faster than its predecessors, and it blocks trackers by default so you’ll never have to deal with invasive advertising. [15]

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