Exercise to Strengthen Bones
Calcium Tablets For Women. Exercise can be a powerful tool to strengthen your bones. Strength training can help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures, and it can also reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.[1]
Strength training uses resistance to affect muscle contractions. This can help increase bone, ligament and muscle strength; improve joint function; and increase bone density.
Most doctors recommend resistance training twice a week as a key way to build bone strength, says Emilia Ravski, DO. The most common type of resistance training is weight lifting.[2]
Other exercises that can strengthen bones include stair climbing, brisk walking and dancing. It is important to mix in low-impact and high-impact exercise when you are working out, says Los Angeles personal trainer Holly Perkins.
Stair climbing helps target areas of your skeleton that are at risk for bone loss, and it’s an activity that can be done anywhere. This can be a great exercise for people who aren’t able to run or play sports.
Aside from a variety of exercises that promote strong bones, you can improve your bone health by getting in the right amount of daily calcium. You should aim for 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day.
Some women may not be able to get enough calcium from their diet, and so they may need to supplement their intake with a dietary or calcium supplement. But it is important to consult with your doctor before starting a supplement or a new diet.[3]
The benefits of calcium
Calcium is a key mineral that helps keep bones strong and healthy. It also plays a vital role in muscle movement and the transmission of messages between brain and body parts. It is also necessary for maintaining a normal pH balance in the body, helping to prevent health conditions like hypertension, kidney stones and cancer.
It is important for both men and women to consume adequate amounts of calcium. According to the National Institutes of Health, a balanced diet is the best way to get calcium. Milk, yogurt and cheese are rich natural sources of the mineral.[4]
However, many people do not get enough calcium. The average intake of this mineral is significantly lower than the recommended level, especially in young people.
Studies have shown that a consistent intake of calcium is linked to lower blood pressure, improved bone density and lower PMS symptoms. Regular calcium supplementation may also help you lose weight.
While the evidence for calcium supplements is growing, it is unclear whether they are beneficial or harmful. Some studies have found that the use of supplements may increase the risk of coronary artery calcification and cardiovascular disease, whereas other studies show that the benefits of calcium supplements for osteoporosis are only minimal.[5]
There is an urgent need for research to clarify this issue and ensure that calcium supplementation is a safe option to meet the growing dietary needs of the elderly population. It is, therefore, recommended that older individuals, who are already at high risk of cardiovascular problems, follow a calcium-rich diet with regular supplemental calcium as needed to protect their bones.
A Better Calcium Option
Calcium is a critical mineral for women at all stages of life, especially as they age. It helps build and maintain strong bones, regulates muscle movement, and assists blood vessels in releasing hormones. It also plays a role in preventing osteoporosis, which is the loss of bone mass and density that can lead to fractures and bone disease.[6]
Most people get their calcium from food, but a small percentage of people need supplemental calcium. The best way to meet your needs is to make sure you’re getting at least 3 servings of calcium-rich foods a day.
Some people are more prone to calcium deficiency, such as pregnant women or those with diabetes. They should consult a doctor before taking any supplements.[7]
The most common calcium supplement is calcium carbonate, which is absorbed by the body through stomach acid and is available in pill form. Another option is calcium citrate, which is more readily absorbed on an empty stomach and is available in pill or tablet form.
In general, the most effective approach to boosting bone health is exercise, which has been shown to increase calcium levels in the blood and improve bone density. It can be done through weight-bearing exercise or by simply moving more throughout the day.[8]
A recent study suggested that women who take dietary calcium or calcium supplements (above 1,400 mg/day) may be at higher risk of heart disease or stroke. This may be because the high amounts of calcium in supplements cause a temporary boost in blood calcium that can harden the walls of the blood vessels or make them more likely to clot.
Exercise to Strengthen Bones
The good news is that exercise can strengthen bones, and it can help you maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis. Strong bones make you less likely to fall or break a bone, which is why it’s important for all adults to participate in regular physical activity.[9]
The type of exercise you do can have a significant impact on your bone strength, and you should consult your doctor before starting any new exercise routine. For example, exercises that bend or curve your spine (like sit ups and seated rows) may increase the risk of vertebral fractures, so be sure to avoid these movements until you’ve had a doctor’s examination.
Other types of exercises that can strengthen your bones include weight-bearing and resistance training. These exercises work your muscles and bones against gravity, putting stress on the bones and improving calcium levels in them.[10]
Examples of weight-bearing exercises include stair climbing, running, and dancing. Dance is especially good for strengthening your bones, since it uses both leg and hip muscles to balance your body weight on one foot.
Resistance training exercises, like weight lifting, curls and bench presses, can also help build muscle and strengthen your bones. These exercises will also improve your stamina and cardiovascular endurance, which can reduce the risk of falling.[11]
The benefits of calcium
Calcium is a mineral that’s vital for your bone health, but it also plays a key role in your hormones and blood clotting. Good levels of calcium can also reduce muscle cramping and period pain, as well as keep your blood pressure under control.[12]
Calcium helps maintain healthy bones, teeth and gums and is needed for normal muscle function and a strong immune system. It also helps prevent cancer and osteoporosis, a condition that causes breaks in the bones.
Getting enough calcium from your diet is important for your overall health, but it’s not always easy to get the amount you need. In addition to calcium-rich foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese, you can take supplements.[13]
A good calcium supplement can provide you with the essentials of a balanced diet, and will also help to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamin D. This is especially helpful for women who are at risk of bone loss after menopause.
It’s also a good idea to get plenty of exercise, as exercise can help to keep your bones strong. It can also reduce your risk of developing heart disease and stroke, as it helps to improve the function of your heart muscle.[14]
The best way to get the recommended daily allowance of calcium is through food, which is why it’s important to make sure you’re eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. If you’re not able to do this, you can still supplement with a calcium tablet like Fast&Up Fortify.[15]